Saturday, July 2, 2016

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Stops Ridicule at the Pool

Expert Author Leonard Greenhall
Men with boobs , "man Boobs" are open to ridicule and embarrassment. If they go to the pool or want to surf they can almost hear the comments,"look at him he's got boobs like a woman"While man will talk about how they love women's boobs there is a sense of lost masculinity when are equipped with the same.
They use the term "moobs" and will turn to male breast reduction surgery for the cure. In fact for one example the Beverley hills male breast reduction surgeon center has over 100 enquires a day. If you look further you can see other like Newport male breast reduction surgeon center and los angeles male breast reduction centre who are also running daily hot line for enquires about male boobs reductions.
The technically correct medical term for male boob reduction is called Gynecomastia. This simply means "the development of woman like breasts in men". Breast hypertrophy, or abnormal glandular breast overgrowth, afflicts as many as 65% of adolescent males and 10-15% of adult males. The disorder's prevalence is reflected by the American Society of Plastic Surgery's ranking of the Surgical Treatment of Gynecomastia
There are other treatments available from prescriptions which claim to melt away the boobs to drastic exercise which is helpful but does not normally solve the root problem which is more than fat reduction. The option for surgery is the best and safest and quickest. In a day with a months healing to follow the man with "moob" can go to the pool or wherever and bare his chest with nor more snide comments in the background and he can have total confidence which brings a remarkable change to that inner self image which in turn leads to new confidence in life.
Male Breast Reduction - Gynecomastia
Leonard is a counsellor on self esteem and self image. He has had long experience in directing people in new mindsets and specifically in how the body appearance effects our self esteem. Repair to our bodies through many avenues is available today and one of them is male breast surgery for the person has "man boobs."
Leonard Male Breast Reduction - Gynecomastia

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